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[Q1] 如果美國聯儲局喺今個月(12月)內加息,請問你買樓嘅意欲會因此而增加、減少,定不變?如果你完全冇置業嘅意欲,短期內亦唔會改變,請你講俾我聽。
If the US Federal Reserve Board increases the interest rate in this month (December), will it increase or decrease your intention to buy property, or no change? If you have no intention to buy and won't change in short period of time, please let me know.
  頻數 Frequency 百分比
Valid Percent
增加 increase 14 1.3
減少 decrease 78 7.6
不變 no change 255 24.8
no intention to buy property, and won't change in short period of time.
661 64.2
Don't know/hard to say/depends on increment of interest rate
21 2.1
合共 Total 1029 100.0

[Q1] (撇除自稱「沒有置業意欲,短期內亦不會改變」的被訪者,基數為368人) 如果美國聯儲局喺今個月(12月)內加息,請問你買樓嘅意欲會因此而增加、減少,定不變?如果你完全冇置業嘅意欲,短期內亦唔會改變,請你講俾我聽。
(Excluding those with "no intention to buy property and won't change in short period of time", base = 368) If the US Federal Reserve Board increases the interest rate in this month (December), will it increase or decrease your intention to buy property, or no change? If you have no intention to buy and won't change in short period of time, please let me know.
  頻數 Frequency 百分比
Valid Percent
增加 increase 14 3.8
減少 decrease 78 21.2
不變 no change 255 69.3
Don't know/hard to say/depends on increment of interest rate
21 5.8
合共 Total 368 100.0
沒有置業意欲,短期內亦不會改變 No intention to buy property, and won't change in short period of time 661

[CMB-Q2] 現時置業人士向銀行申請按揭時要先通過「壓力測試」,確保一旦加息3厘,按揭供款唔會多過佢地家庭收入既6成。如果香港跟隨美國加息,你認為計算「壓力測試」既息率應唔應該相應下調,以減低申請按揭既難度?如果應該,咁係下調幾多厘?[註:下調幅度不多於3厘,需要時讀出答案,只選一項]
Now all property buyers need to pass the “stress test” before applying for mortgage from banks, and mortgage won’t be greater than 60% of the family income. If Hong Kong follows the US and increases the interest rate, do you think the rate of stress test should be decreased in order to ease the difficulty of mortgage application? If yes, how many percents should it drop?
  頻數 Frequency 百分比
Valid Percent
Remain unchanged/ No need to decrease
309 30.1
應該下調四分一厘 (0.25%)
should drop by 0.25%
53 5.2
應該下調半厘 (0.5%)
should drop by 0.5%
48 4.7
應該下調一厘 (1.0%)
should drop by 1%
70 6.8
應該下調一厘半 (1.5%)
should drop by 1.5%
45 4.4
應該下調兩厘或以上 (2.0%)
should drop by 2.0% or more
77 7.5
Should drop by an unknown percentage
122 11.8
should drop along with the increment of Hong Kong interest rate
48 4.6
should cancel the stress test
10 1.0
Don't know/hard to say
246 23.9
合共 Total 1029 100.0

Combined results
  頻數 Frequency 百分比
Valid Percent
Remain unchanged/ No need to decrease
309 30.1
should drop
463 45.0
should cancel the stress test
10 1.0
Don't know/hard to say
246 23.9
合共 Total 1029 100.0

平均數 (只包括「應該下調」及回答確實幅度的被訪者,單位為百分比%)
Mean value (Only "Should drop” with specific amount of decrease, in percentages %)
基數 Base 平均數 Mean
294 1.1